
Category Archive for: ‘Adults’
Memoirs and Histories

Yearbook | Seth Rogan Summary: This memoir is not a ‘tell-all’, but perhaps a tell-much. Seth Rogan began professional joke writing as a kid and his stand-up experience is exactly the way we remember him sounding and speaking from film. His relaxed and casual style isn’t too far from the truth. He does make one …

Boredom Busters

The Final Girl Support Group | Grady Hendrix Summary: There’s a trope commonly used in horror movies, specifically those fitting the slasher genre, called the ‘final girl’. This is an unassuming main character that eventually triumphs over her attacker, most likely causing their death. What if the final girl character became so common, they collected …

Favorites from Anywhere

I thought I was pulling together a selection of works not at all alike each other… but no, I really do like my adventure stories with moral or ethical consequences. Read The Count of Monte Cristo aloud – the language is musical. Island of the Blue Dolphins might need note taking or drawings of the …

Movies I watched to better understand and enjoy my travels to Ireland, in May 2022

Michael Collins | Neil Jordan – Director Summary: Ireland, 1916. His dreams inspired hope. His words inspired passion. His courage forged a nation’s destiny. A Biographical film depicting the life of Michael Collins, head of the early version of the IRA. Recommendation: I recently visited the GPO in Dublin where portions of this movie was filmed.  …

Beach Reads

A Princess of Mars | Edgar Rice Burroughs Summary: In the spring of 1866, John Carter, a former Confederate captain prospecting for gold in the Arizona hills, slips into a cave and is overcome by mysterious vapors. He awakes to find himself naked, alone, and forty-eight million miles from Earth a castaway on the dying …